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AFI research collection
Reference Type journal
Title Men with guns: an examination of gangster and western films
Author(s)Ian McPherson,John Flaus
State Unknown
Country Unknown
Publication Date 00-00-1965
Citation Date
Comments This text was primarily aimed at the target audience surrounding the WEA Sydney Film Society. The initial and original speeches, before any of it was transcribed to text, were written for everyone attending the WEA residential film weekends. This audience would have consisted of mostly big film buffs and fans. Noteable audience memebers would have been Ian Klava, John Flaus, Denis Trimas, Doug Roberts, Tom Politis, and Leth Maitland. The Sydney audience would already have had large film knowledge. The now published film notes for the Newport Film Weekend "Men with guns: an examination of gangster and western films" would now have a much wider audience with anybody being able to access these. Primarily the audience would be very similar to before, including film buffs and people interested in gangster and western films especially. This information is useful for understanding film techniques used in these genres and for exploring themes and ideas behind these films. John Flaus especially is a very opinionated film critic and these film notes help understand his opinions that have influenced the Australian film industry. These two men are extremely knowledgeable film buffs and offer great insight to this particular genre and its film techniques. The film language and ideas offer comprehensive ideas behind the western film genre, especially films of this type within Australia. Their well researched and thought out opinions are reliable to the film sources they reference and the genre as a whole. I believe Flaus and McPherson were strongly influenced by each other’s ideas, and also other people in the WEA Film study group. They comprised their opinions and film knowledge together at their film weekends where they extensively discussed and analysed film genres like this.

Synopsis A residential film weekend "Men with guns: an examination of gangster and western films", held at Newport, on 26-28 February, 1965 with speakers, Ian McPherson and John Flaus.
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