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AFI research collection
Reference Type newspaper
Title Saturday Sydney Morning Herald
Chapter/Web article title Lost In An Empty Paradise
Author(s)Paul Byrnes
Section Spectrum
State NSW
Country Australia
Publication Date 14-07-2007
Citation Date
Page Number 15
Comments An article written by Paul Byrnes for the Saturday Sydney Morning Herald. It is essentially a review of the film Lucky Miles. It is quite lengthy for a film review in a newspaper, it is actually a full page in length and goes into quite a lot of detail in regards to the plot of the film and the talent, both cast and crew involved with the production. This would be a useful piece for anyone who hasn't seen the film and is looking for a brief summary of the basic storyline. Byrnes talks largely about the films tone, particularly it's comedic approach to an issue that is mostly overlooked in Australian cinema. It comes from a reliable and well established source, in that it was published in The Sydney Morning Herald, and it provides an interesting insight into how a film critic felt about the film upon its release.

It is a valuable article to read as it discusses the film in detail, covering topics such as filming locations, story inspiration and the comedic tone. Byrnes has clearly enjoyed the film, describing it as a “wry, perceptive and wily piece of filmmaking” which is useful as it can be used as a way to refer the film to others. This article is significant in that it is a lengthy review of the film which covers a range of aspects of the production, and it could be useful to both those who have and have not seen the film already as a means of creating further discussion.

Synopsis Paul Byrnes reviews Michael James Rowland's feature film 'Lucky Miles' for the Saturday Sydney Morning Herald. In the full page article he covers topics such as the issues and themes covered in the film, the directors approach to the characters and the production of the film, whilst also providing an outline of the main plot of the film.
tags: Lucky Miles Refugee Review Sydney Morning Herald 
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