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AFI research collection
Reference Type book
Title Women who kept the lights
Chapter/Web article title Women who keep the lights - an illustrated history of female lighthouse keepers
Author(s)Mary-Louise Clifford,J.Candice Clifford
State Unknown
Country Unknown
Publication Date
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Comments This reference provides a source on the topic offering a range of locations, keeper accounts and reference sources, although not Australian, however it shows historical accounting of lighthouse service, highlighting the just over two dozen women who served as keepers. Within the book there is a definite feminist slant but the number of women more than proves there wasn't a prejudice against them being keepers. The book is wonderfully written and gives you a glimpse into these strong women’s lives, many who took the lighthouse duties over after losing their lighthouse keeper fathers or husbands, or were specially appointed(as seen in South Solitary). The authors also interspersed a timeline to help us understand what was happening in lighthouse technology which eventually phased the women and keepers out. Many of the women maintained their posts for 40 to 50 years without a vacation or in some cases, a day off.
Synopsis Covers the subjects Social Science, Women's Studies, Lighthouse keepers

Lighthouses, Travel, Museums, Tours, Points of Interest and Women lighthouse keepers.
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