Reference Type |
The Age
Title |
A movie for Three Dollars |
Chapter/Web article title |
A movie for Three Dollars |
Author(s) | Lawrie Zion |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
26-10-2002 |
Citation Date |
Page Number |
3 |
Comments |
This text is intended for the readership of the The Age, Daily Metropolitan, a short newspaper article to introduce the new project for the creative team that created 'The Bank' and information about this new movie to be based around Elliot Perlman's novel of the same name, Robert Connolly is mentioned as the director for the movie, in association with ArenaFilms. Perlman speaks about the opportunity to create his novel into a movie to be shot in the legal parts of Melbourne CBD. This text could be used to gain an insight into who will working on the movie and the novel background of the movie. This text is important because it has some original quotations from Elliot Perlman, information regarding what Perlman has been up to and information about the novel's accolades. This text does not present a argument of any sort, a hard news article mostly made up of quotes from Perlman. The source of the article is accurate, having original quotes and factual information, and as it is published in a large newspaper the credibility of the information can be relied on. This article does not make any underlying assumption, but seeks to provide information and insight into the upcoming movie. |
tags: Elliot Perlman The Bank Three Dollars
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