Reference Type |
Title |
Cinema Record |
Chapter/Web article title |
32 |
Author(s) | Gerry Kennedy,Kevin Brandum,Cameron Hall |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
Citation Date |
Comments |
I found the Cinema Record (issue 32 - autumn 2001) to be very informative, yet limited in its application for my purposes. Whilst the Cinema Record issues often contain valuable comprehensive information, it is not intended to discuss adult-cinema content in any great depth. Instead, its usefulness was providing a brief historical overview of the Tatler Theatre in a general sense; here the discussion was brief but clear and reliable factually. The issue outlined that Tatler 1, opening 25 May 1934, and operating until 1938, was located within the block-arcade under the Capitol Theatre on Swanston Street. Further, the Tattler 2, which would later become known as the Curzon would open in 1939 in the basement of a hotel in Collin Street. It describes that newsreels would be shown every hour, in between the feature films. This information has obvious use in providing a historical context to the decreasing significance of newsreels and the emergence of adult-cinema; however, it does not detail any useful information as to the later stages, and current, state of the Tattler/Curzon. Specifically, there is no discussion of the operation as twin theatres during the 1970s, the Curzon and the Australia Cinemas. There is no mention of the successful shift towards unconventional content, and no discussion of the unique content itself. Whilst the target audience of the Cinema Record may not be interested in foreign films, sex-films and violent content, it is disappointing that the issue did not contain a more complex discussion of the Tattlers its shifting focus as times changed. - Jarred Hofman |
Synopsis |
The Cinema Record journal is run by CATHS, a non-profit organisation run by dedicated volunteers
The journal discusses cinema and theatre heritage, which involves architecture, historical overviews and noting relevant artefacts. Its primary function is to document cinema venues for future reference.
tags: Cinema Curzon Melbourne Newsreel pornography Sex Tatler
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