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AFI research collection
Reference Type Metro Magazine journal
Title Some takes on the meaning of "Noise"
Author(s)David Bruno-Starrs
Issue 153
State Unknown
Country Australia
Publication Date 00-06-2007
Citation Date
Page Number 42
Comments This journal entry, written by D. Bruno Starrs for Metro Magazine, is an in depth analysis of the possible multiple meanings behind the 2007 film ‘Noise’. The text is intended for students or people knowledgeable about cinema studies, as it uses media theory and terminology along with a literal look at the film to form an understanding of the film. Bruno Starrs cites semiotic researcher Roland Barthes in order to read the signs/signifiers of the film, but works on his own interpretation mainly. The journal entry offers multiple levels of meaning that could be taken from the film, from tinnitus suffering, to the perception of mentally troubled criminals from our society (i.e. is it their fault that they commit such crimes?), to alternate theories on the influence and overwhelming nature of the mass media that surrounds us, to the more metaphorical metaphors and symbology (religious, philosophical) that feature in the film and are left unanswered.

This text would be most useful for a media student studying the film, or as an accompaniment to the film in order for someone to gain further understanding of the film and its themes. I think the text is important because it is a thorough and well researched document that understands and incorporates media theory and terminology into its analysis, which adds a certain amount of credibility to it. The text argues its points clearly and has a definite understanding of the different meanings of the film – although each of these are ultimately biased and formed from the writers personal opinion, not a definite understanding of what, Matthew Saville (the director of Noise), meant in making the film. Ultimately, the journal entry is a thorough and well researched analysis of the films meaning, despite the fact that the conclusions are merely unproven and guessed.
tags: metro magazine noise Roland Barthes 
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