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AFI research collection
Reference Type Sandringham News newspaper
Title Our Theatre
Town Sandringham
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 16-02-1923
Citation Date
Page Number 4
Comments This is a very special newspaper article as it is the first newspaper article about the Roxy; however it was opened up as the "Sandringham Picture Theatre". This article shows the importance of having a cinema in the area, and what it meant for the locals of Sandringham. The opening of the cinema 'revolutionised' the small town; which only days earlier had been proclaimed as being a city. The cinemas meant that 'all classes of the community' could afford to go as it was only 1/9 of the cost of the inner city theatre's. Another important aspect of the article is the emphasis they put on having built the theatre using only local money. (Steph D.)
Synopsis This article shows the importance of having a theatre in Sandringham for the locals. Quotes form the mayor in the articles, talk about the revolutionising of their town, and the importance that this will play on the children, the current and the future generations of the town, and how it will help the locals learn from the characters and their lives. The article also discusses that even though only local money was used to build the theatre's; all the equipment, seating and auxiliary lighting was just as good as the theatre's in the city. (Steph D.)
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