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AFI research collection
Reference Type newspaper
Title Westgarth Cinema offers reel link with homeland
Author(s)Julia Irwin
Town Melbourne
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 31-10-2010
Citation Date
Comments This article introduces owner of the Westgarth Picture Theatre in Northcote, Peter Yiannoudes and deep connections between the theatre and Greek immigrants since 1950s.

Mr. Yiannoudes has migrated in Australia in 1956 and been owning the Westgarth Theatre since 1965.

He has been bringing Greek films to Australia and offering “a reel link to the homeland” in the theatre for Greek immigrants. He said for Greek immigrants during 1950s and 60s, watching Greek movies was not only for entertainment, but also was “a way of staying in touch with their homeland, its language and culture.”

Still now he shows Greek movies at the Westgarth Theatre on the second Friday of the month at 10:30am.

His collection of Greek films reached more than 1000.

This article is useful to learn how Westgarth Theatre survived under changing society and established a tie with local people. With increasing Greek migrants, the theatre started to adopt Greek films and provide public space where those immigrants can remember their home-country and its culture. So this means that the theatre was observing very carefully changing audiences’ preference. And this was one of key reasons why the theatre has been surviving for more than 90 years.

However, this article does not mention more social background, why Greek community thrived in Northcote area and what inspired Mr. Yiannoudes to bring the theatre foreign films, whether there was a request from those immigrants to show Greek movies or not.

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