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AFI research collection
Reference Type The Age newspaper
Title Movie fans mourn the end of a grand old cinema
Author(s)Stewart Oldfield
Town Melbourne
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 06-05-1996
Citation Date
Page Number A7
Comments This article includes comments from fans of the Valhalla cinema in relation to their memories of the cinema.

According to the article, fans of the cinema enjoyed some unique events that Valhalla held, and loved nostalgic atmosphere. A man said there were no cinemas having same atmosphere as Valhalla. Another man said Valhalla was so generous for all of the customers, even if he sticks his feet up on the seats, people did not care about that. This was different from other big cinemas that aim at making money only.

This article also examines the difference between new big cinemas and small cinemas such as Valhalla. It is pointed out that running of single-screen cinemas are becoming more difficult to manage due to spiralling costs, and even if movie audiences were increased, it may not be able to save those cinemas.

Valhalla’s popular aspect might be its originality. As the cinema fans mentioned, Valhalla had unique atmosphere which was not similar to any other cinemas in Melbourne, and held some special events. So Valhalla’s uniqueness was able to attract movie fans and this can be one of keys to manage small cinemas successfully.

However, this article does not include comments from people who have been knowing the Valhalla since its beginning in Richmond. The Cinema originally started operating in Richmond, Melbourne, so there could be many people who used to go to the cinema since its original beginning. Those people seem to have different memories and opinions from people in this article about the Valhalla Cinema.

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