Reference Type |
Title |
Victorian Heritage Database |
Chapter/Web article title |
Austral Theatre, later Austral Picture Theatre |
Author(s) | Author Unknown |
State |
Country |
Australia |
Publication Date |
Citation Date |
Site URL | |
Page Number |
1 |
Comments |
This article is based around the significance of Austral theatre and the building in which it was located in Collingwood, Victoria. It includes a statement of significance, what/how/why it is significant and to whom it is significant. A description is made of the building and its location within the city and the type of building that has been maintained. It is a good resource for the Austral theatre as it gives the reader more background information as to the significance of the Austral theatre and the impact its building had on society. This resource is useful to researchers whom wish to gain greater knowledge on the historical, as well as the heritage of the suburbs surrounding the venue and its greater impact on society. (Alana B.) |
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