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AFI research collection
Reference Type newspaper
Title Ashburton has newest theatre
Author(s)Unknown Author
Section Advertising
Town Ashburton
State VIC
Country Australia
Publication Date 06-12-1948
Citation Date
Page Number 7
Comments This article is a short matter-of-fact description of the opening of the Ashburton Civic in the Ashburton area. While it doesn’t offer much to go on in terms of discussing a clear bias or argument made by the unknown author it does seem to suggest that the author believed that Ashburton was an “up and comer”. From the authors perspective ‘The Civic’ was a proper modern, American styled theater that was only appropriate for such a soon to be important area. While there is little concrete information in this article it does offer its reader a small list of important names involved in its operation and creation. Beyond this it seems to suggest that the owners/operators had some sort of loyalty to Ashburton in England for the owners decided to use their money to “establish a district fund to send food parcel to Ashburton in England” (Argus) instead of using it to entertain their guests on opening night.

While it is not much this article is one of the only remnants of press coverage that The Civic received and thus it is invaluable to any researching this theater. Before coming upon this article I had little to no information but upon its completion I had a list of names and a few details to lead me in some sort of valuable direction. It is because of this that I would highly recommend this piece to any who are looking for some basic information and possibly just a starting point for their research. (Catie Davis)

Synopsis Essentially this article is a brief discussion of the basic facts associated with the opening of the new and modern Ashburton Civic (or just 'The Civic' for short). (Catie Davis)
tags: A.F. Charleston Ashburton Civic F.P. Selleck Mel Mainon melbourne The Argus 
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